This one is less about what you see, and more about what you don’t see. Processing machines. One thing we don’t do at Clean Curly is process your highlights with heat. While processing machines do make the highlighting process go faster, they also increase the risk of damaging your hair. One of our top concerns here is about the long-term health and longevity of your curls. We take our highlights low and slow and do not rush the process to make sure that your hair comes away as little damage as possible.
Saint Augustine/Jacksonville Curl Specialist Natural Hair Clean Beauty Book at #CleanCurlyNichole #CurlyHairSpecialist #CurlSpecialist #CurlyHairStylist #CurlyHairCut #CurlyHair #CurlyCut #Curls #CurlyHairNearMe #CurlySalonNearMe #WavyHair #CurlyHairSalon #CurlySalon #CurlyHairSaintAugustine #CurlyHairJacksonville #CurlyHairSaintJohns #NorthFlorida #SaintAugustine #RezoCut #DevaCut #FloridaCurlSpecialist